CS 21: Decidability and Tractability (Winter 2025)
Instructor: Chris
Ombudspeople: TBD
Office: Annenberg 311
Times: MWF 1:00-1:55 in Annenberg 105
Office hours:
- Monday 7-8pm Annenberg 121 (Nilo)
- Monday 8-9pm Annenberg 121 (Ricardo)
- Tuesday 3-4pm Annenberg 311 (Chris)
- Tuesday 7-8pm Annenberg 121 (Allison)
- Tuesday 8-9pm Annenberg 121 (Emily)
- Tuesday 9-10pm Annenberg 121 (Ryan)
- The first problem set is out. It is due on Wednesday January 22
at 1pm.
- Office hours have been posted.
Lecture Slides: posted after each lecture
- Lecture 1: Introduction, Problems and Languages (pptx, pdf) [p. 1-28]
- Lecture 2: Finite Automata, Nondeterministic Finite Automata (pptx, pdf) [p. 29-52]
- Lecture 3-4: DFA/NFA equivalence, regular expressions, regular expressions and finite automata equivalence; non-regular languages and the Pumping Lemma (pptx, pdf)
[p. 53-82]
- Lecture 5: proof of Pumping Lemma, Pushdown Automata, Context-Free Grammars (pptx, pdf) [p. 111-116, 101-105]
- Lecture 6: Context-Free Grammars, NPDA and
CFG equivalence (pptx,
pdf) [p. 106-108]
Problem Sets and Exams: