CS153: Current Topics in Theoretical Computer Science
(Spring 2010)
Instructor: Chris
Office: Annenberg 311
Times: Tu/Th 1:00-2:25 in Annenberg 314
Office hours: email me
- Final grades have been entered. Please stop by if you'd like to
pick up graded material. Have a great summer!
- Solutions for PS2 have been posted.
- Presentations for Tuesday June 1: Dave (Khot-Regev); Bill
(Aharanov-Arad-Landau-Vazirani); Arda (low-degree testing)
- Presentations for Thursday June 3: Jeremy
(Khot-Kindler-Mossel-O'Donnell); Ben (Raghavendra-Steurer 2010); Chris
(Kolla); Emma (O'Donnell-Wu); Brian (Raz 2008 "A counterexample...")
- Lecture 1: introduction; approximation algorithms
- Lecture 2: GW algorithm for MAX-CUT; hardness of approximation:
gap problems, connection to locally/probabilistically checkable proof systems; Label
- Lecture 3: the basic algebraic PCP
- Lecture 4: robust soundness of basic PCP, equivalence between
robust PCPs and label cover
- Lecture 5: decodable PCPs, composition theorem, beginning of
proof [from DH09]
- Lecture 6: end of proof of composition theorem, the Long code,
Fourier analysis, the Long code test
- Lecture 7: analysis of the Long code test, Hastad's 3-bit PCP
- Lecture 8: hardness of MAX-3-LIN, MAX-3-SAT; first steps toward
hardness of MAX-CUT: the Unique Games Conjecture, influence of
- Lecture 9: hardness of MAX-CUT
- Lecture 10: hardness of MAX-CUT; SDP relaxations again: for MAX-CUT
with large OPT and for Unique Label Cover
- Lecture 11: rounding SDP for ULC; Raghavendra's paper
- Lecture 12: portions of the proof from Raghavendra's paper
- Lecture 13: Raghavendra continued
- Lecture 14: algorithms for Unique Games: ABS 2010
- Lecture 15: ABS continued
Problem sets:
Course notes:
Possible papers for presentation: