The study of the foundations of randomness has a rich history of
inspiring important concepts, and a number of reasons make this a
particularly auspicious time to revisit this subject. We have deep new
insights into the relationship between quantum non-locality and
randomness, allowing randomness to be certified in a way that was
previously unimaginable. Recent breakthroughs in cryptography have
clarified what it means to create a random looking version of a program
through the process of program obfuscation. And of course, randomness
extractors and pseudo randomness (including in fields such as additive
combinatorics) provide a powerful lens through which to view randomness.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study and from the ETH Zurich.
The workshop will run for three days, from Monday October 26th to Wednesday October 28th. The schedule is available here.
Slides for some of the talks are available, thanks to the speakers:
We came up with a nice list of Open Questions to keep us busy till the next iteration:
Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided. The conference dinner will be held at 6:30pm at Lanzerac Estate on Tuesday October 27th, and be preceded by a wine tasting at the Estate.
Accommodation for all participants is provided at the Life and Leasure guest house in Stellenbosch.