Venkat Chandrasekaran

Venkat Chandrasekaran

Kiyo and Eiko Tomiyasu Professor
Computing and Mathematical Sciences & Electrical Engineering
Division of Engineering and Applied Science
California Institute of Technology

Email:, alpha = venkatc, beta = caltech

Research Interests

I am an applied mathematician with research interests broadly in optimization and the information sciences. Specific areas of focus include convex optimization, statistical inference, inverse problems, graphs and combinatorial optimization, applied algebra and geometry, and approximation theory. My research group studies the mathematical foundations of these topics to develop principled methods for applications in science and engineering.

A full list of publications can be found here.

Research Group

Current members



Bio (third-person)

Venkat Chandrasekaran is on the faculty at Caltech, where he is Tomiyasu Professor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences and of Electrical Engineering. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT (2011) and undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rice University (2005). He has received several awards including the Jin-Au Kong Prize for his dissertation in Electrical Engineering at MIT (2012), the Sloan Research Fellowship in Mathematics (2016), and the INFORMS Optimization Society Prize for Young Researchers (2016). His research interests lie in optimization and the information sciences.


Mail: 1200 E. California Blvd., Mail Code 305-16, Pasadena, CA 91125

Phone: (626) 395-6568

Office: Annenberg 300

Last updated: June 2024