
In this assignment you will write two programs to simulate a simple one-dimensional cellular automaton. These automata are related to (but are not the same as) two-dimensional cellular automata like Conway’s game of Life. We will use this example to introduce pointers and pointer arithmetic, as well as dynamic memory allocation. Pointers are one of the most confusing topics in C, so we will spend a lot of time discussing them before we get to the program you have to write.

Language concepts covered this week

  • pointers

  • dynamic memory allocation

  • the sizeof operator

  • type casts

Other concepts covered this week

  • memory leaks


To quote from K&R:

A pointer is a variable that contains the address of a variable.

What’s this about addresses, though? In C, as in many computer languages, variables refer to particular locations in memory where the data in the variable is stored. This location is known as the address of the variable. Numerically, the address is the number of the memory location in bytes. It is normally represented using a hexadecimal number (e.g. 0x00124AF4; recall that hexadecimal numbers in C are entered with a leading 0x). In fact, you can directly get at the address in C by using the & operator e.g. &foo is the address of the variable foo. (Note: the & operator has another meaning ("bitwise AND") that the compiler determines from the context.) This address can be stored in a pointer variable, or pointer for short. Pointers have specific types (e.g. "pointer to int"), so, in general, you can only store the address of a value of type X in a pointer to type X. (For instance, a pointer to int can only hold the address of a variable containing an int.) Pointers are declared as follows:

int *p;  /* declares `p` to be a pointer to an int */

The declaration uses the * operator. Confusingly, this operator also stands for multiplication. However, it’s usually easy to see which meaning is which depending on the context.

For both the & and the * operators, there is a distinction between the operator used as a unary operator (with one argument to its right) and a binary operator (with two arguments, one on the left and one on the right of the operator).

operator unary meaning binary meaning





address of

bitwise AND

What can you do with a pointer? The most basic thing is that you can store a memory address there:

int *p;
int q = 79;

p = &q;  /* now `p` stores the address of the integer variable `q`. */

Once you have the address of a variable stored in a pointer, you can retrieve the contents of the variable by dereferencing the pointer:

int *p;
int q = 79;
int r = 21;
int sum;

p = &q;
sum = *p + r;  /* == 100 */

The expression *p means to fetch the value at the address stored in the pointer p. This unary use of the * operator is called the pointer dereferencing operator. If there is any chance that it might be confused with the multiplication operator, you should surround it with parentheses e.g.

sum = (*p) + r;

Usually, this isn’t necessary.

These two operations, storing addresses into a pointer and dereferencing the pointer, are the two most basic pointer operations. You can also do pointer arithmetic, which we describe below.

Dynamic memory allocation

Up to now, when we wanted an object we just declared it inside a function e.g.

int foo(void)
    int bar[10];  /* create an array with ten integers */
    double d;     /* create a double */

    /* etc. */

Objects created this way are called automatic variables. What this means is that the compiler automatically allocates the space for these objects when the function begins execution (specifically, on the call stack, which we will discuss in the lecture) and frees the memory when the function completes its execution. However, it is also possible, and often necessary, to "manually" create new objects on the fly (which is called "dynamic memory allocation"). This happens, for instance, when you don’t know in advance how many data objects you will need. For dynamic memory allocation we use the system function malloc, which is short for "memory allocator". malloc, which is defined in <stdlib.h>, has the following declaration:

void *malloc(size_t size);

This means that you pass it a positive integer representing a size (size_t is an alias (typedef) for an unsigned integer type) and it returns a pointer which points to the newly-allocated block of memory of the appropriate size (in bytes). But what’s this void * stuff? A pointer to nothing? That sounds very Zen-like…​ Actually, void * is C’s way of saying "a pointer to some block of memory that can hold any type of data whatsoever". So malloc will work regardless of what type of data you need. Only one question remains: how do you know how many bytes of data you need? You could figure it out by determining the exact size of all the primitive data types in bytes (which is not required to be the same for different machines), or you could do the right thing, which is to use the sizeof operator. sizeof(int) returns the size of an int in bytes, sizeof(double) returns the size of a double in bytes, and so on. So malloc is normally used like this:

int *numbers;

/* Allocate memory for ten ints. */
numbers = (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int));

The sizeof operator looks like a function call, but it’s actually a language-defined operator (it can’t be a real function, since its argument is a type name, not a C expression). sizeof may not return the same size for a given data type on all machines (e.g. ints are 4 bytes on some machines and 8 bytes on others), so using sizeof helps to keep your code portable. sizeof can also work on pointers or structs (as we’ll see in the next assignment).

Another language feature we see here is a type cast, which until now we’ve only used to convert between primitive types (e.g. int to float). The (int *) in the line before the malloc is a type cast. Recall that malloc returns an object of type void *, which is a pointer to any type. The type cast says to the compiler, "treat this data object as if it were a pointer to an int". It is important to realize that a pointer to an int can be treated as an array as long as the memory for the array has been allocated. In fact, the array indexing operator [] is actually just syntactic sugar for pointer arithmetic (see below).

Now you can use numbers as if it were an array of integers, because it is an array of integers. You can set and access elements of numbers just as with arrays:

numbers[0] = 1;
numbers[1] = 1;
numbers[2] = numbers[0] + numbers[1];
/* etc. */

However, the memory that is allocated by malloc is not taken from the same location as the memory that is used for automatic variables. Instead, it’s taken from a region called the heap, which is just a region of memory set aside for this purpose. We refer to objects allocated by malloc as heap-allocated as opposed to automatic variables, which are stack-allocated, because they live on a data structure called the stack.

The most significant difference between heap-allocated and stack-allocated objects is this: once you reach the end of a function, stack-allocated objects have their memory automatically reclaimed, but heap-allocated objects do not. Instead, you have to manually reclaim the memory for heap-allocated objects by calling the free function, which is also defined in <stdlib.h>:


If you don’t do this, you have a memory leak, which is the bane of C programmers. Memory leaks are one of the worst kind of bugs, because they often do not cause any problems at all. However, if you are allocating a lot of memory which you never free, sooner or later you will run out of memory and your program (and maybe your computer) will crash for no apparent reason at what appears to be a random location. Tracking down memory leaks is sometimes so difficult that there are a number of commercial tools to help programmers do this, as well as some freely-available tools such as Valgrind.

For our purposes, the thing to remember is this: if you malloc a block of memory, sooner or later you are going to have to free it. However, you don’t necessarily have to free it in the same function that you malloc'ed it. If that was the case, you might as well not use malloc at all, since it would be no better than a stack-allocated automatic variable. Instead, what typically happens is that one function will malloc the memory and another will free it. We will see this in this assignment.

Notes on dynamic memory allocation

Note 1: There is a function related to malloc called calloc which is in some ways superior. Its function prototype is:

void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);

It is like malloc except for two features:

  • calloc takes two arguments: the number of things you are allocating (nmemb) and the size of each thing in bytes (size). In contrast, with malloc you have to multiply these two numbers together to give the single argument.

  • After allocating memory, calloc sets all the allocated memory to zero values. This is often useful and can save you from writing a loop to do the same thing manually.

Note 2: If malloc or calloc is unable to allocate memory, it will return NULL to indicate that it failed. It’s important to always check the return values of malloc and calloc to make sure that the memory allocation completed correctly, or to print a reasonable error message and exit if it doesn’t. Many C programmers don’t do this, unfortunately. You must always check the return value of malloc and calloc in your programs every time you use them! Failure to do so in your assignments will result in significant lost marks.

For instance, a good call to calloc might look something like this:

int *numbers;
numbers = (int *) calloc(10, sizeof(int));

/* Check that the calloc call succeeded. */
if (numbers == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error! Memory allocation failed!\n");
    exit(1);  /* abort the program */
/* Do what you want with the numbers array... */

It’s not enough to just print the error message; you must exit the program after a malloc/calloc call fails. Since you expect to have some memory to read/write to, and you don’t, you can’t reasonably continue.

It’s also important to print the error message to stderr using fprintf; don’t just use printf (which prints to stdout).

Note 3: To make it easier for you to avoid memory leaks in your program, we’re supplying you with a simple memory leak checker (see below for the files) to help you find these leaks. It is a "drop-in" replacement for malloc, calloc, and free. To use it, you have to put this at the top of your file:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "memcheck.h"

Make sure that those two lines are in exactly that order. When you compile your program, you will also have to compile the file memcheck.c and link it in to the final program. After that, to check for memory leaks, just put the following line in the main function right before you exit the program:


This will print an error message for every place you allocated memory but didn’t free it. It will also tell you where you allocated the unfreed memory. This will be very annoying to use at first, but it will also be very eye-opening. You should fix your code until no errors are reported.

Pointer arithmetic

It is possible, and often necessary, to add and subtract integers from pointers. This is known as pointer arithmetic. It is a bit of a misnomer, since the permitted operations are quite limited. Here we will only discuss adding an integer to a pointer to get another pointer, which is by far the most common example of pointer arithmetic.

When you add 1 to a pointer, you generate a new pointer which is sizeof(N) larger than the original pointer, where N is the data type that the pointer points to. So if you have:

int *numbers = (int *) malloc(10 * sizeof(int));

then numbers + 1 really equals numbers + sizeof(int) in terms of the addresses (i.e. address 0x00001000 will become 0x00001004 if ints are 4 bytes long), numbers + 2 represents numbers + 2 * sizeof(int), etc.

This is how arrays are actually implemented in the C language. The syntax numbers[4] is actually syntactic sugar for *(numbers + 4). This means that we generate the address of the fourth integer and then dereference it to get the value of the fourth component of the numbers array.

Pointer arithmetic is often used explicitly to iterate through an array. To do this, you use the ++ operator, which in this context is the same as adding 1 to the pointer:

int i;

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    printf("next number: %d\n", *numbers);

This will print out each element of the numbers array in turn (we’re using the term array loosely here). You might well ask why we don’t just use array indexing. Well, you can, but using pointer arithmetic in this way is sometimes more efficient. Let’s compare the cost of the code above with the array-based equivalent:

int i;

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    printf("next number: %d\n", numbers[i]);

In the first case, each time through the loop you have to dereference the numbers pointer and increment it. In the second case, you have to compute numbers[i] which is equivalent to *(numbers + i). Thus, you have to do a pointer addition and a dereference. Incrementing a pointer by one is usually faster than adding an arbitrary integer to it. With multidimensional arrays or arrays of structs, the difference can often be quite significant.

As a general rule, don’t use pointers this way unless you’ve determined that there will be a sizeable speed increase (except in this assignment!). We’ve seen cases where replacing array indexing with pointer manipulations in a critical section of code has sped up a program by a factor of five. We’ve also seen many more cases where it made little or no difference.

Dangers of pointers

Letting programmers directly access pointers is dangerous. When a pointer is set to a value created by malloc, the new storage contains arbitrary values (we say it contains "garbage") at each location. If a C programmer dereferences any location in this storage before data has been put in it, then there is no predicting what the result might be. This is one good reason to use calloc (see above) instead of malloc in your code — you then know that all the memory values are zero.

In addition, if you define a pointer value and try to dereference it before any valid address has been put into the pointer, the computer will often try to access memory that it isn’t allowed to, leading in most cases to a segmentation violation (often also called a core dump), which means that the program aborts and (depending on the operating system and system settings) may dump a huge file usually called core to your directory (the core file can be useful for debugging). Worse, the memory accessed may actually be memory that is in use by the program, which will not lead to a core dump but to memory corruption, a source of some particularly nasty bugs that will only manifest themselves much later in the program.

Programming with pointers is programming without a net. You have to know exactly what you’re doing, or your program will crash.

Programs to write

Now, finally, we get to the program(s) you have to write   However, if you haven’t read the above sections, go back and read them now, because you’re responsible for knowing the information in them. The two programs you have to write are very similar; the second is a slight variation on the first.

One-dimensional cellular automata

A cellular automaton (CA) consists of a collection of cells which can hold data values, generally organized into some regular geometric arrangement (usually a square grid or a line). A one-dimensional CA (1dCA) has all the cells arranged in a line. The values in the cells change over time. Each cell’s value at the next time interval depends on its current value as well as the value of its two immediate neighbors. We set the first and last cells to be always empty. In this case you will be implementing a 1dCA with two states (full and empty, which you should implement as 1 and 0). [1]

The 1dCA you will implement has the following update rule:

  • If the current cell is empty, and one of the two adjacent cells is full (but not both), set the current cell to be full.

  • Otherwise set the current cell to be empty.

You have to iterate through all the cells to generate the new pattern (the next "generation"). You need to have two arrays to store the data, because you are not allowed to modify one generation until the next generation has been completely computed. The 1dCA should be randomly seeded with 1s and 0s to start with (try having about 50% of the cells 1s initially).

Each generation should be printed after being computed. Print 0 as . and 1 as *. You should have a printing function which is separate from the update function (don’t print at the end of the update function). When successive generations are printed on a screen, one generation per line, you will get a chaotic-looking pattern that has a fractal-like quality to it and is quite pretty.

Be sure you implement the update rule correctly in your program. If the pattern generated by your program doesn’t look cool, you’ve almost certainly done something wrong.

Here’s a sample run of the program, with 60 cells and 20 generations.


If you squint a bit, you can see the upside-down triangle pattern.

Command-line arguments

Your programs should take two command-line arguments, both ints: the numbers of cells in the 1dCA and the number of generations to compute. The programs should print out the initial generation and this many additional generations to the screen. Use dynamic memory allocation to create the arrays you need to hold the 1dCA data. Make sure you check the return value of every malloc or calloc call and exit with an error message if the call returns NULL. Also make sure you free your newly-allocated data before your program exits.

If your programs don’t get the correct number of arguments, they should exit with a usage message as usual. Specifically, make sure you test what the program does when no arguments are given! If your program crashes when no arguments are given, or when invalid arguments are given, you will lose a lot of marks. Note that negative arguments aren’t permitted.

Note that we aren’t asking you to verify that the arguments are integers; you can assume that they are. (Checking for this is possible but rather tedious in C; it’s much easier in other languages like Python.)

You can do the entire program without using pointer arithmetic. However, to give you practice in using pointer arithmetic, write the function which updates the board in two ways:

  • only using array operations

  • only using pointer operations

Define two separate programs for these two cases:

  • lab5_array.c (the version with arrays)

  • lab5_pointer.c (the version with pointers)

The programs will share all of their code except for the board updating function. For the second program, you don’t have to use explicit pointer arithmetic in any functions other than the update function; use array operations everywhere else. Also note that for both programs you have to use dynamic memory allocation when allocating the arrays (because you don’t know the size of the arrays in advance).

In the second program, don’t just translate the array operations into equivalent pointer operations! Instead, use the iteration idiom shown above (and in lecture 5), suitably modified to work with your program. Specifically, you should use three pointers to iterate through the array: for any given value of an index variable i, one points to cell[i-1], one to cell[i] and one to cell[i+1] (assuming that the array is called cell). Each of the three pointers will get incremented once for each new cell value that is being computed. In addition, you’ll need another pointer into another array which is the array you’re writing into. In this way you won’t have to use array operations at all, and the only pointer arithmetic you’ll need is to increment by one (++). This requirement applies throughout the entire function; even if you have to copy an array at the end, use pointer operations to do this. Once again, don’t just translate the array code into the equivalent pointer code, or you will lose marks.

As always, try to decompose your program into small, easy-to-understand functions instead of having a few huge functions. Make each function do one thing only (don’t mix printing with updating, for instance).

Don’t forget to include the memory leak checking code in your file (see above). If you have any memory leaks in either program, your assignment can’t get more than a 1 grade.

Checking for memory leaks

As mentioned above, before your main() function exits, add the line


to print out all memory leaks in your program. Do this for both programs. If your programs generates the correct output but reports a memory leak, you probably forgot to call free() somewhere.

Writing a Makefile

Write your own Makefile for this assignment, based on the examples you’ve seen before. Each of the two programs you have to write should have a different name. You should have separate targets to compile each program, and for each program you should have separate targets for the executable program and for the object code which you compile from the source code file. In other words, for the array version of the program you should have separate targets for lab5_array and for lab5_array.o, and the .o file will be a dependency for the executable file and will be used to compile it. There should also be a target for memcheck.o, the memory leak checker, which will be built from memcheck.c; memcheck.o will also be a dependency for the two executables. Make sure you get all the dependencies right. It isn’t hard; just think about what every target depends on i.e. what files would, if changed, require the target to be rebuilt.

In addition, you should also have an all target that compiles both programs (i.e. you type make all and both programs are built). It’s convenient to make the all target the first target in the program, so just typing make will build both programs. Note that you can (and should) write the all target in a single line (hint: what are its dependencies?). You should also have a clean target that removes all compiled files (object files and executables), and a check target that calls the style checker on both programs (note that the style checker can take multiple filenames as arguments).

Supporting files

To hand in

The files lab5_array.c, lab5_pointer.c and Makefile.


1. There are more general forms of one-dimensional cellular automata, but this will be enough for this assignment.