In this assignment you will write a more substantial program and learn some new language constructs.
Language concepts covered this week
function prototypes
more on loops
Other concepts covered this week
program andMakefile
s -
I/O redirection (Unix)
test scripts
Read this page to familiarize yourself with the
program and Makefiles
Also take a look at the C style guide. Starting from this assignment, we’ll be more picky about style issues.
Operators and operator precedence in C
An "operator" is a character or character sequence that has a special syntactic
meaning to the C compiler. Most operators are binary, which means that they
are found sandwiched between two values. An example is the addition operator,
, which is found in expressions such as 1 + 2
. Some operators are
unary, such as the bitwise-NOT operator (~
). One operator is actually
trinary (the dreaded ?:
operator), but we won’t discuss it here.
Compared to most languages, C has a very large number of operators and a
correspondingly large number of operator precedence levels (15 of them to be
precise; see table 2-1 in K&R if you’re curious). Operator precedence levels
determine how to interpret expressions with multiple operators. For instance,
a = b + c * d + e;
is interpreted as being
a = b + (c * d) + e;
because multiplication has higher precedence than addition. If we want it to be interpreted differently, we need to use parentheses, e.g.
a = (b + c) * (d + e);
Note that the =
sign is also an operator (the assignment
operator). It has very low precedence, so we don’t need to use parentheses
around the arithmetic expression to the right of the =
Also note that (confusingly) equality testing uses the ==
operator, not the =
We do not want you to memorize the operator precedence table! Instead, simply use these three rules:
Multiplication and division have precedence over addition and subtraction;
All assignment operators (except for
) have extremely low precedence; -
Put parentheses around everything else where there is any possibility of confusion.
Also note that C has a lot of shortcut assignment operators:
Operators of the form
, etc. These all have this meaning:
x <op>= y;
x = x <op> y;
for some operator <op>
increment/decrement operators.
Used judiciously, they often result in more concise and understandable code.
An annoying fact is that the ++
and --
operators have a very high
precedence, whereas all the other assignment operators have the same precedence
as =
Program to write
You will write a program called easter
that will compute the
day of the year on which Easter falls, given the year.
Description of the algorithm
This algorithm is taken from Donald Knuth’s famous book The Art of Computer Programming (see the references below).
GIVEN: Y: the year for which the date of Easter is to be determined. FIND: The date (month and day) of Easter STEP E1: Set G to (Y mod 19) + 1. [G is the "golden year" in the 19-year Metonic cycle.] STEP E2: Set C to (Y / 100) + 1. [C is the century] STEP E3: Set X to (3C / 4) - 12. [X is the skipped leap years.] Set Z to ((8C + 5) / 25) - 5. [Z is a correction factor for the moon's orbit.] STEP E4: Set D to (5Y / 4) - X - 10. [March ((-D) mod 7 + 7) is a Sunday.] STEP E5: Set E to (11G + 20 + Z - X) mod 30. If E is 25 and G is greater than 11 or if E is 24, increment E. [E is the "epact" which specifies when a full moon occurs.] STEP E6: Set N to 44 - E. [March N is a "calendar full moon".] If N is less than 21 then add 30 to N. STEP E7: Set N to N + 7 - ((D + N) mod 7). [N is a Sunday after full moon.] STEP E8: If N > 31 the date is APRIL (N - 31), otherwise the date is MARCH N.
Note 1
All divisions in this algorithm are integer divisions, which means that any
fractional remainders are thrown away. Also, the comment
[March ((-D) mod 7 + 7) is a Sunday]
is technically only true for years after 1752, because there was an 11-day
correction applied to the calendar in September of 1752. You don’t need to
mention this in your comments, since it doesn’t affect the Easter computation.
Note 2
We will be adding another step to make the algorithm work nicely with our C program; see the description of the program below for more details.
Note 3
Just because the great Don Knuth wrote this algorithm this way doesn’t mean that it’s written in a nice or easy-to-understand way. In particular, the use of single characters as variable names is usually a very bad idea (because single characters don’t have any meaning to the person reading the code), and we don’t want you to do that in this program. Knuth was trying to describe the algorithm in as short a space as possible; you don’t have that restriction.
Explanation of the algorithm
Ever wonder what those monks did during the Dark Ages, all secluded away in their distant mountaintop monasteries and things? Well, it turns out that they were busy calculating the date of Easter. See, even back then, there wasn’t much point in spending any effort on calculating the dates of holidays like Christmas, which as everyone knows, is on the same day each year. That also went for holidays which have become a bit more obscure, like Assumption (August 15th).
But the trouble with Easter is that it has to fall on Sunday. I mean, if you don’t have that, all the other non-fixed holidays get all screwed up. Who ever heard of having Ash Wednesday on a Saturday, or Good Friday on Thursday? If the Christian church had gone and made a foolish mistake like that, they’d have been the laughingstock of all the other major religions everywhere.
So the Church leaders hemmed and hawwed and finally defined Easter to fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
I guess that edict must not have been too well-received, or something, because they then went on to define the vernal equinox as March 21st, which simplified matters quite a bit, since the astronomers of the time weren’t really sure that they were up to the task of finding the date of the real vernal equinox for any given year other than the current one, and often not even that. So far so good.
The tricky part all comes from this business about the full moon. The astronomers of the time weren’t too great at predicting that either, though usually they could get it right to within a reasonable amount, if you didn’t want a prediction that was too far into the future. Since the Church really needed to be able to predict the date of Easter more than a few days in advance, it went with the best full-moon-prediction algorithm available, and defined "first full moon after the vernal equinox" in terms of that. This is called the Paschal Full Moon, and it’s where all the wacky "epacts" and "Metonic cycles" come from.
So what’s a Metonic Cycle?
A Metonic cycle is 19 years.
The reason for the number 19 is the following, little-known fact: if you look up in the sky on January 1 and see a full moon, then look again on the same day precisely 19 years later, you’ll see another full moon. In the meantime, there will have been 234 other full moons, but none of them will have occurred on January 1st.
What the ancient astronomers didn’t realize, and what makes the formula slightly inaccurate, is that the moon only really goes around the earth about 234.997 times in 19 years, instead of exactly 235 times. Still, it’s pretty close — and without computers, or even slide rules, or even pencils, you were happy enough to use that nice, convenient 19-year figure, and not worry too much about some 0.003-cycle inaccuracy that you didn’t really have the time or instruments to measure correctly anyway.
Okay, how about this Golden Number business then?
It’s just a name people used for how many years into the Metonic cycle you were. Say you’re walking down the street in Medieval Europe, and someone asks you what the Golden Number was. Just think back to when the last 19-year Metonic cycle started, and start counting from there. If this is the first year of the cycle, it means that the Golden Number is 1; if it’s the 5th, the Golden number is 5; and so on.
Okay, so what’s this "Epact" thing?
In the Gregorian calendar, the Epact is just the age of the moon at the beginning of the year. No, the age of the moon is not five billion years — not here, anyway. Back in those days, when you talked about the age of the moon, you meant the number of days since the moon was "new". So if there was a new moon on January 1st of this year, the Epact is zero (because the moon is new, i.e. zero days "old"); if the moon was new three days before, the Epact is three; and so on.
When Easter was first introduced, the calculation for the Epact was very simple — since the phases of the moon repeated themselves every 19 years, or close enough, the Epact was really easy to calculate from the Golden Number. Of course, this was the same calendar system that had one leap year every 4 years, which turned out to be too many, so the farmers ended up planting the fields at the wrong times, and life just started to suck.
Pope Gregory Makes Things More Complicated
You may already know about the changes Pope Gregory XIII made in 1582 with respect to leap years. No more of this "one leap year every four years" business like that Julius guy said. Nowadays, you get one leap year every four years unless the current year is a multiple of 100, in which case you don’t — unless the current year is also a multiple of 400, in which case you do anyway. That’s why 2000 was a leap year, even though 1900 wasn’t (I’m sure many of you were bothered by this at the turn of the millenium).
Well, it turns out that the other thing Pope Gregory did, while he was at it, was to fix this Metonic Cycle-based Easter formula which, quite frankly, had a few bugs in it — like the fact that Easter kept moving around, bumping into other holidays, occuring at the wrong time of year, and generally making a nuisance of itself.
Unfortunately, Pope Gregory had not taken CS 11. So instead of throwing out the old, poorly-designed code and building a new design from scratch, he just patched up the old version of the program (this is common even in modern times). While he was at it, he changed the definition of Epact slightly. Don’t worry about it, though — the definition above is the new, correct, Gregorian version.
This is why you’ll see Knuth calculating the Epact in terms of the Golden Number, and then applying a "correction" of sorts afterwards: Gregory defined the Epact, and therefore Easter, in terms of the old definition with the Metonic cycles in it. Knuth is just the messenger here.
So what is this thing with "Z" and the moon’s orbit?
It’s just the "correction" factor which the Pope introduced (and Knuth later simplified) to account for the fact that the moon doesn’t really orbit the earth exactly 235 times in 19 years. It’s analogous to the "correction factor" he introduced in the leap years — the new formula is based on the old one, is reasonably simple for people who don’t like fractions, is also kind of arbitrary in some sense, and comes out much closer to reality, but still isn’t perfect.
What about all the rest of that stuff?
Ah, well, you wouldn’t want me to make this too easy, would you? Our hope is that, after this brief introduction, that code up there will not seem quite so mysterious, and that you may, in fact, be able to figure out, if not exactly what’s going on, at least most of the stuff that’s happening in there.
Description of the program
Write a program that reads a series of years from a text file and prints out the date of Easter on all those years, as follows.
Running the program
When the program is written, use Unix input/output redirection to handle input from and output to files (if you don’t know about this, here is a decent tutorial). In other words, invoke the program like this:
$ easter < infile > outfile
where $
is the terminal prompt (so you don’t type that in). Note: this is
Unix shell (terminal) syntax, not C syntax! The < infile
part means to
take the input from the file called infile
instead of from the keyboard, and
the > outfile
part means to send the output to the file called outfile
instead of printing it to the terminal. See below for more details on this.
This will not work on Windows (unless you are running Linux using the Windows Subsystem for Linux or using Cygwin) but it will work on Linux and MacOS. We recommend you set up and use a virtual machine as described elsewhere for all the assignments in this track. |
You can’t leave out the $ easter infile outfile That won’t work unless you make the C code more complicated. Also, we want you
to do it so that it works with the |
is a file containing a list of years (one per line) e.g.
1994 1995 1998
and outfile
will become a list of year/date pairs, e.g.
1994 - April 3 1995 - April 16 1998 - April 12
Handling input from files and output to files directly from your C program is
possible, but it’s a little bit more complicated, so we won’t bother with it
now (it involves functions like fopen()
, fclose()
and fscanf()
; look them
up if you’re curious). Instead, you just have to read from standard input
(i.e. the terminal; use scanf()
like in the previous assignment) and write to
standard output (using printf()
). Unix-derived operating systems (including
Linux and MacOS) will convert this to reading from a file and writing to a file
if you use the <
and >
symbols in the command line as we showed above:
$ easter < infile > outfile
Technically, what this does is bind standard input to the file infile
bind standard output to the file outfile
just for this one invocation of the
program, so that when in your program you read from standard input
(using scanf()
) you’re really reading from infile
, and when you write to
standard output (using printf()
) you’re really writing to outfile
Easter computation
The program should include a function called calculate_Easter_date
(yes, that
exact name) which takes an integer argument (the year) and returns an integer
representing the date. The month should be indicated by the sign of the
integer return value: negative means March and positive means April. The
absolute value of the integer represents the day of the month. So April 10
would be represented as the integer 10, while March 23 would be represented as
the integer -23. This is not part of the Knuth algorithm! You have to
convert from the value that Knuth’s algorithm gives you to the value in this
representation (which is quite easy).
Returning the date this way is an egregious hack. There are much better ways to return multiple values from a C function, which will be described in later assignments. Also, the absolute value function in C is called |
The allowable years are in the range 1582 to 39999; if the input is outside of
this range, the calculate_Easter_date
function should return 0. When the
main program sees this return value, it should print an error message to
(NOT to stdout
; use fprintf
instead of printf
for this), and
then continue with the loop.
Don’t print the error message inside the |
In the main()
function, use a call to scanf
to read in each the input line
from stdin
. Note that to read an integer value using scanf
, you need to
use the "%d"
format string (where "d" means "decimal"). Store the return
value of scanf
in a variable (yes, scanf
does return a value, but it isn’t
used very often). This return value will be equal to the integer constant
("end of file") when there is no more input. EOF
is defined in the
header file <stdio.h>
, just like printf
and scanf
. You will find the
statement (K&R pp. 64-65) to be useful in your loop. Use a while
loop that loops forever e.g. while (1) { ... }
until an EOF
encountered, and then break
out of the loop. The main()
function should
call the calculate_Easter_date()
function for each line of input. If
returns 0 (because of a range error), print an error
message to stderr
and keep going.
Make sure you have declared function prototypes at the top of your file before
you define the functions. Although this isn’t strictly necessary here, it’s a
good habit to get into. Prototypes allow you to reference functions before
they are defined, which allows you to program without having to worry about
what order your functions are defined in. (However, you do not have to write a
prototype for the main
Comment your code liberally, especially the Easter algorithm itself. Very few programmers write too many comments; most write way too few. Remember, your task is to write a program which (a) does what it’s supposed to, and (b) is clearly understandable. You are free to copy Knuth’s algorithm verbatim if you like, but make sure you add comments explaining what each step of the algorithm does. Also, your version of the algorithm should contain better variable names than the ones Knuth uses. If you use one-letter variable names like Knuth does, you’ll lose a lot of marks. Instead, use variable names that are words or phrases that are descriptive of the meaning of the variable.
For functions, put a comment before the function that states what the function does, what the arguments mean, and what the return value means. These are the most important kinds of comments you’ll ever write, because they are what will allow other people to use your code.
Also, put a comment at the top of the file explaining what the program does as a whole.
We will be grading your program not only on how well it performs its task, but on how easy it is to read and understand. Make sure you keep this in mind as you do this assignment. And don’t think this is only an exercise for this assignment — future assignments have to have the same standard of commenting.
Testing the program
We are supplying you with a simple Makefile
. Download it into
your lab2
directory as a file called Makefile
(it should be called that by
default; just don’t change the name). Running make
will create the easter
program. Running make test
will run a simple test of the program and report
whether it is correct or not with respect to the inputs. This is an example of
a "test script". Test scripts are critically important in producing
correctly-working code. Some programmers even advocate writing test scripts
and test cases for functions before writing the actual code to be tested.
Running make check
will run the style checker on your code.
Other things to do
Write a clean
target for the Makefile. This target will remove the easter
program, all object files, and all files generated by the program when you type
make clean
. It must not remove the input file used to test the program,
your source code file, the test script, or the correct output file.
Use the Unix command |
Try the program on an input file that intentionally contains years that are
outside the correct range. Send the output to a file as usual. The error
messages should be printed on the terminal, not put into the file. This shows
you the difference between printing to stdout
(which printf()
does) and
printing to stderr
(which fprintf()
does if you tell it to).
Supporting files
Make sure you download all of these files into your lab2
directory (except
possibly for the style checker, which ideally you should already have put into
your ~/bin
The Makefile.
Be sure that all the command lines in the Makefile start with tabs, or they will not work. Please do not try to copy and paste the file from a web browser window. Instead, use the "Save Page As" function of your browser (which is probably under the File menu). Alternatively, you can select "Save Link As" while right-clicking on the link to the
. -
The test script.
In order to get this to work, you have to do
chmod +x run_test
after downloading this file, in order to make it executable. Make sure that the resulting file name isrun_test
and not (for instance)run_test.txt
, or it won’t work!. -
The input file, for testing.
The correct output file, for testing.
The style checker.
To hand in
The program easter.c
and the completed Makefile
We will run the program to see if it passes the test script.
For extra credit…
Have your program use "Zeller’s Congruence" to verify that the date it is
printing really does fall on a Sunday. Use assert
to signal an error in case
it doesn’t. Get the definition of Zeller’s Congruence by doing an internet
search. Type man assert
to learn more about the assert
macro. Assert is a
very valuable and under-appreciated debugging aid, which we will meet again in
later assignments.
K&R, chapters 2, 3, and 4.
Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 1: Fundamental Algorithms.
The Art of Computer Programming is a (so far) four-volume set (although more volumes are being written) which is a definitive treatment on computer algorithms written by Donald Knuth. The books are usually referred to simply as "Knuth vol. 1", etc. They are extremely dense and not really suitable for beginners, but they are good if you need to look up an algorithm and learn more about it. Knuth virtually invented the field of mathematical analysis of computer algorithms, and is still going strong. [2]